Friday, January 20, 2006


The city of Ernakulam is beginning to look up. A casual survey while driving from one place, the name I can't remember to another I can't pronounce. Revealed puns that would make any connoisseur of really really bad jokes, such as myself proud!

The picture below required calesthenics on the foot board of a Kerala private bus that any body with a windage or inertia greater than my own is ill advised from attempting. But, it had to be taken, for a particular friend, you know who you are!

There was a another one a few weeks later which said," Rang de buns and tea" which you would appreciate as well.

1 comment:

Vaishnavi Tekumalla said...

Oh, Pun Master! :)

Those were totally and completely awesome! :) Calisthenics _step_ greatly appreciated!

Hahahahah! Rang de buns and tea! :D Who comes up with these? They _come-a-mile_ ahead of all the other ads! ;)