Friday, December 23, 2005

Cat on a hot tin roof.

On the 21st of December 8 nos. cardboard box and 1 nos. Dhananjay, loaded on the veritable corrugated mid steel piece de resistance of the Tempo Trax Toofan Classic, bumped, ground and fought hard to keep our internal contents as internal as possible. Though I think I was more successful at it than 3 nos. cardboard box.

I must admit by the end of the 14 hour ride to Aroor that Balram (seen below doing a Sasquatch imitation, assuming of course that Sasquatchs are generally known to be found grating coconuts) has a spinal cord of Titanium crossbraced Carbon Fiber and buttocks of soft spongy muscular tissue.


Vaishnavi Tekumalla said...

Hahahahah!! You're Hilarious,(1 nos.) Deej!! :)

Say, is that Chandru Sir in the dark green shirt? And 'Bal'ram lives up to his name, eh? :)

Hey, Deej! Where is Aroor? Or is that just a bunch of 6 towns? :P

dj said...

Just about as much as "A" laugh is a HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!

Aroor is a tiny plot of land that doesn't know if it is south of Ernakulam or north of Alapuzzha.

No Vaish, I don't think that is Chandru.
Balram certainly does live up to his name.